Senin, 24 Juni 2013

Contoh Kalimat Relative Pronoun

-    The man who is sitting in the corner is my friend.
-    The boy whom we visited is her boyfriend.
-    The girl whose car was sold will go to study abroad.
-    The filing cabinet, which we purchase last week, is very well built.

-    The book that describes about behaviour of animal is expensive.

Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

Artikel Tentang Relative Pronoun

Relative pronouns adalah kata ganti yang menunjuk pada kata benda yang mendahuluinya (antecedent) yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung dalam kalimat. Relative pronouns biasa diletakkan di awal dependent clause atau anak kalimat yang menerangkan atau memberikan informasi tambahan kepada independent clause ataumain clause.

Kata ganti yang digunakan adalah: who, whom, whose, which, dan that.
- The man who is sitting in the corner is my friend.
- The boy whom we visited is her boyfriend.
- The girl whose car was sold will go to study abroad.
- The filing cabinet, which we purchase last week, is very well built.
- The book that describes about behaviour of animal is expensive.

Kata who, whom, whose, which, dan that pada contoh di atas menunjuk pada kata benda sebelumnya (the man, the boy, the girl, the filling cabinet, the book).

Nouns (kata benda) atau pronouns (kata ganti) seperti the man, the boy, the girl, the filling cabinet, dan the book disebut dengan istilah antecedent.
- Voters whose names begin with the letters M to Z should go to Room 2.
- That photo is a reminder of someone who was very important to me.
- Hands up everyone who would like a drink.
- A mole is an animal that lives underground.
- He was accused of being drunk in charge of a vehicle, which is a serious offence.

Untuk menunjuk pada orang, gunakan relative pronouns: who, whom, whose dan that.
- the man who spoke
- the man that spoke (meskipun pemakaian that juga benar, who lebih disarankan sebagai subject pronoun)
- the man that I saw
- the man whom I saw  (meskipun pemakaian whom juga benar, that lebih disarankan sebagai object pronoun)

Untuk menunjuk pada benda lainnya atau hewan, gunakan relative pronouns: which, that dan whose.
- the cat which was sitting on the mat
- the cat that was sitting on the mat
- the book whose cover was torn
- a book to which I often refer

Ketika menunjuk pada sesuatu benda, of which bisa dipakai untuk menggantikanwhose.
- a book the cover of which was torn

Perluasan relative pronouns dengan kata ganti seperti whoever, whomever, whateverdikenal sebagai indefinite relative pronouns (relative pronouns tanpa antecedent).
- The boy will tease whomever he likes.
- She said whatever came to mind.
- Let in whoever comes to me.

Kata what juga dapat digunakan sebagai indefinite relative pronouns, contoh:
- I will tell you what you need to know.
- I know what I like.

Who disebut sebagai subject pronoun dan whom sebagai object pronoun. Hal ini bisa dibandingkan dengan he dan him, they dan them, dsb.
- the man who was there (bandingkan ‘he was there’)
- the man whom I saw (bandingkan ‘I saw him’)

Kata whom lebih sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris formal. Dalam penggunaannya sehari-hari, baik dalam bentuk percakapan maupun tulisan, whombiasanya diganti dengan who.
- the man who I saw
- the man who you were speaking to

Whom tidak bisa digantikan oleh who bila sebelumnya didahului oleh preposition.
- the man to whom you were speaking
- They elected Smith chairman, than whom there could have been no better choice.
Biasanya bentuk preposition + whom ini dipakai dalam bahasa Inggris formal.

Indefinite relative pronouns memiliki sifat yang terdapat pada relative pronouns maupunindefinite pronouns. Jenis pronouns ini seperti menunjuk pada suatu kata benda, tetapi orang atau benda yang dimaksud tidak disebutkan dengan jelas.

Senin, 20 Mei 2013

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Contoh Dialog Direct dan Indirect

1.   Beckham : Did you know what Fingo said yesterday?
      Raul         : Of course. He said had gone to his country the previous day.

      ( kalau kalimat langsung/direct simple past, indirect/tdk langsung harus past perfect)
2.   Teacher : Why was Mary absent yesterday?
      Jenifer   : What did the teacher want to know, Ferdy?
      Ferdy     : he wanted to know why Mary had been absent

      (direct berbentuk Wh-question bentuk past tense jadi indirect berbentuk past perfect)
3.   Mother   : Don’t be so noisy, Herman. The baby is sleeping.
      Herman  : Okay, mom.
      Rudy      : What did your mother just told you?
      Herman  : She told me not to be so noisy because the baby was sleeping.

     (direct: don’t + be maka indirect: not + to be)
4.   Doctor   : Open your mouth!
      Mother  : What did the doctor tell you?
      Son       : The doctor told me to open my mouth

      (direct: V1 + O maka direct: to V1 + O)
5.      Mother : Do you want meatballs or fried chicken?
      Mother asked me whether I wanted meatball or fried shicken

      (direct: do/does + S +V1 maka indirect: if/whether + S + V2)

Minggu, 14 April 2013

Penjelasan Tentang Pronoun

Pronoun adalah Pronouns adalah kata ganti atau pronomina yang berfungsi menggantikan kedudukan kata benda (nouns) atau kata ganti lainnya untuk menghindari pengulangan yang tidak perlu. Dibawah ini ada beberapa contoh Pronoun beserta kalimatnya


Jenis Kelamin


Contoh Subject Pronoun :

- My name is Angga. I am fourteen.
- My father works hard. He works in a factory.
- My sister is older than me. She is twelve.
- Our dog is very naughty. It likes to chase cats.
- Bob, you are a bad boy!
- Andi and I are playing Soccer. We like sports.
- Jin and Jun are my brothers. They are older than I am.

Contoh Objek Pronoun :

-    I’m doing my homework. Dad is helping me.
-    Goodbye, children! I’ll call you later.
-    Where is John? I need to speak to him.
-    Miss Garcia is very nice. All the children like her.
-    The car is very dirty. Mom is cleaning it.
-    I felt a sleep while the teacher was teaching us.
-    My chocolates are all gone. Someone has eaten them.

Contoh Possessive Pronoun :

-    Look at those cars.
-    Theirs is really ugly.
-    ours is beautiful.
-    This new car is mine.
-    Mine is newer than yours.
-    My hair is very fine. Yours is much thicker.
-    The choice was his.
-    These are my gloves. Hers are in the drawer

Contoh Reflexive Pronoun :

-    He encouraged himself to do his homework immediately.
-    I enjoyed myself by traveling around the world.
-    Mark made himself a sandwich.
-    The children watched themselves on video.
-    Woman hurt herself.
-    We did the cooking ourselves.
-    And do not ever say that black itself means black in the truest sense.

Contoh Relative Pronoun :

-    The man who is sitting in the corner is my friend.
-    The boy whom we visited is her boyfriend.
-    The girl whose car was sold will go to study abroad.
-    The filing cabinet, which we purchase last week, is very well built.
-    The book that describes about behaviour of animal is expensive.

Senin, 18 Maret 2013

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

1. Contoh kalimat menggunakan adjective :
- The horse ran very fast
- Very tall tree
- I was sleepy when riding motorcycle
- Ship was very strong
- I was angry when I was bullied
- She has red hair
- The car was new
- He is the bad boy
- The man is good
- This is a true story

2. Contoh kalimat menggunakan verb + complement modifier
- Tono would go eat at a restaurant tonight
- It was raining at nine o’clock this evening
- Darius is washing motorcycle right now
- I will conduct the exam tomorrow morning
- Leni will do its job on campus tomorrow
- Jullia is cooking dinner tonight
- Andy had a quick sleep tonight
- John bought a cake yesterday
- She saw Johnat the movies last night

3. Contoh kalimat countable
- I have five oranges
- There are ten boys playing futsal
- Julia has two younger men
- There are several motorcycles in the parking lot
- The car was parked in the middle of the highway

4. Contoh kalimat uncountable
- This news is very important
- Your luggage looks heavy
- I've got a little money
- I haven't got much rice
- I've got some money

Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

Example Memo

To          : Mr.Damar Dwi Prakoso
From      : Ms.Zhuya Vabel, Custumer Service Bank DKI
Subject   : ATM Card Decision
Date       : January 5, 2013

Message :
Your ATM card has been finished and can be taken at a branch of Bank DKI Gunadarma dated 10 January 2013 from 08:00 to 15:00 pm EDT. Top of attention we thank you.